Italian Wine News
Chianti Classico : The Communes
THE iconic Tuscan red is at once arguably the most respected and the most misunderstood wine in Italy’s rich vinous tapestry. In production under the Chianti banner since the Middle Ages, Chianti Classico is the star of that magical land of mountain, hill and valley, of oak, pine, cypress and chestnut, of vineyard and olive […]
6 years ago
Barolo 2015, Barbaresco 2016, Brunello 2014
Vintage Barolo 2015 – Seen in an historic context, 2015 had to be good. 2014 had failed to excite – and that’s putting it mildly (in fact, for a late-ripener like Nebbiolo, 2014 turned out after all the damning journalistic dice were irretrievably cast to be surprisingly well typed and easily enjoyable; but thereby hangs […]
6 years ago
Source: produttori e assoenologi Here’s the definitive picture for the 2018 Vintage Italia: 52 million HL of wine and must were produced in Italy which is +24% on 2017. There has been an abundance of quantity compared to most recent vintages but quality is somewhat heterogeneous, with good for the most part and […]
6 years ago
Renato Trestini: Italian Wine Ambassador
Renato Trestini was perhaps more than any other individual responsible for introducing quality Italian wines to the UK market. In 1969 he was working in London as a barman at Dukes Hotel in St. James when he heard the call. “I’m going to be a wine merchant”, he suddenly knew. It was a revelation, not quite perhaps on a par with that of Saul of Tarsus, but with this similarity: that it would shape the rest of his life.
7 years ago
The Anteprime of Tuscany
Every year, around mid-February, the wine producers of Tuscany put aside their political squabbling and competitive argy-bargy for a short time and treat the world’s wine press to a series of surprisingly well planned and co-ordinated tastings of the various creations of the heartland of Italian fine wine.
7 years ago
Vinexus 2017 Pre- Harvest Report Italia – “Una situazione complicata” 10th August 2017
At the beginning of August, Italy is already preparing for harvest which is expected to be earlier than usual all over the country from the “metodo classico” grapes of Franciacorta, to the whites and reds of the south. A very hot summer, with very little rain, has some producers already comparing 2017 with the extreme 2003 vintage.
8 years ago
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