Fiano Sannio DOP Janare

Region: Campania


From an 18 ha. vineyard. 300 - 400 m.asl. Soil is a rich combination of chalk and clay. Vines are guyot trained. 3,400 vines planted per ha.


Harvested in the first half of September. Cold maceration takes place at 8°C and is followed by a soft pressing. Fermented in stainless steel at a controlled temperature 13 - 14°C. Bottled the following March, then aged in the bottle.

Grape Varieties

100% Fiano

From the ‘Janare’ line, a selection of wines intended to reflect autochthonous grape varieties, including Falanghina, Greco, Fiano and Aglianico. The Janare group of wines is La Guardiense’s first attempt at officialising a local denomination. The names of the 7 crus making up the Janare range were purposely selected from local lore thought to be evocative of the particular characteristics of each grape variety.